Wave Shaker Bottle Amazon Listing Images Design




Dec 2023


Wave Shaker Bottle

Project Duration: 1 week

Project Team:

  • Project Manager: Todor Todorov
  • Lead Graphic Designer: Martin Todorov
  • Photographer: Images were provided by the client
  • Content Writer: Copy was provided by the client

Project Summary:

The project involved creating a set of five high-converting Amazon listing images for the Wave Shaker Bottle. These images were designed to showcase the product’s unique features and benefits, aiming to increase visibility and drive sales on Amazon.

Project Objectives:

  • Develop visually appealing and informative images that comply with Amazon’s listing guidelines.
  • Highlight the key features and advantages of the Wave Shaker Bottle.
  • Enhance customer engagement and improve conversion rates.

Project Scope:

  • Main Product Image:
  • High-resolution image of the Wave Shaker Bottle on a white background.
  • Focus on the product’s design, color, and quality.
  • Infographic Image:
  • Detailed image highlighting key features such as the shaker mechanism, material, and capacity.
  • Use of icons and concise text to communicate benefits clearly.
  • Lifestyle Image:
  • Image showing the shaker bottle in use, depicting scenarios like gym, office, and outdoor activities.
  • Focus on the product’s practicality and ease of use.
  • Close-up Image:
  • Close-up shot of essential components (e.g., lid, shaker ball, measurement markings).
  • Emphasis on quality and detailed craftsmanship.

Process Overview:

  • Planning and Research:
  • Initial meetings with Wave to understand product specifications, target audience, and branding requirements.
  • Competitor analysis to identify effective visual strategies.
  • Concept Development:
  • Sketching and brainstorming sessions to develop concepts for each image.
  • Creation of a storyboard to outline the visual narrative.
  • Graphic Design
  • Use of graphic design tools (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) to create infographics and enhance images.
  • Image Optimization:
  • Editing images to meet Amazon’s technical requirements (size, resolution, format).
  • Ensuring fast loading times and high-quality display on the platform.
  • Quality Assurance:
  • Reviewing and refining images to ensure alignment with project objectives and client expectations.
  • Conducting final checks for consistency and adherence to guidelines.
  • Delivery:
  • Provided the client with all final images in the required formats.
  • Included a usage guideline document for Amazon listing.

Project Deliverables:

  • Five high-resolution Amazon listing images:
  • Main product image
  • Infographic image
  • Lifestyle image
  • Close-up image

Tools and Technologies Used:

  • Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
  • Project Management: Asana, Trello


The project was completed on schedule, resulting in a set of high-quality, high-converting Amazon listing images. The client reported an increase in product visibility and customer engagement, leading to higher sales.


Let's make it a reality together

Todor Todorov


Wave Shaker Bottle Amazon Listing Images Design