Hydrogen Water Bottle A+ Content




Feb 2024


PureHydro Hydrogen Water Bottle A+ Content

Project Duration: 1 week

Project Team:

  • Lead Graphic Designer: Todor Todorov
  • Content Writer: Stoyan Alexandrov
  • 3D Modeling & Render – Visvesh
  • Quality Assurance: Martin Todorov

Project Summary:

The project involved creating comprehensive Amazon A+ Content for PureHydro’s product line. This included developing seven Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) modules designed to enhance the product listings, improve customer experience, and drive higher conversion rates.

Project Objectives:

  1. Create visually compelling and informative A+ Content modules that align with PureHydro’s branding.
  2. Highlight the unique features, benefits, and technology behind PureHydro products.
  3. Enhance customer engagement and boost conversion rates on Amazon.

Project Scope:

  • Module 1: Brand Overview
  • An introduction to the PureHydro brand, its mission, and values.
  • High-quality images and engaging copy to build brand trust and recognition.
  • Module 2: Product Features and Benefits
  • Detailed descriptions of the key features and benefits of PureHydro’s hydrogen water bottles.
  • Infographics and icons to visually represent features like hydrogen generation technology, material quality, and health benefits.
  • Module 3: How It Works
  • Step-by-step guide on how the hydrogen water bottle functions.
  • Diagrams and illustrations to explain the technology and user instructions.
  • Module 4: Customer Testimonials
  • Highlight positive customer reviews and testimonials.
  • Include images or video snippets of satisfied customers using the product.
  • Module 5: Usage Scenarios
  • Showcase different scenarios where the hydrogen water bottle can be used (e.g., at the gym, office, home, outdoor activities).
  • Lifestyle images to depict real-life usage.
  • Module 6: Product Comparison
  • Comparison chart to highlight the advantages of PureHydro products over competitors.
  • Clear, concise information to help customers make informed decisions.
  • Module 7: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Address common customer queries and concerns.
  • Organized layout with collapsible sections for ease of navigation.

Process Overview:

  1. Planning and Research:
  2. Initial meetings with PureHydro to understand the brand’s goals and target audience.
  3. Research on competitors and industry best practices for A+ Content.
  4. Concept Development:
  5. Development of wireframes and mock-ups for each module.
  6. Collaborative brainstorming sessions to refine concepts and messaging.
  7. Content Creation:
  8. Writing engaging and informative copy for each module.
  9. Conducting a photoshoot and creating high-quality images and graphics.
  10. Design and Layout:
  11. Using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to design each module.
  12. Ensuring consistency with PureHydro’s branding and Amazon’s guidelines.
  13. Quality Assurance:
  14. Reviewing content for accuracy, visual appeal, and compliance with Amazon’s standards.
  15. Incorporating client feedback and making necessary revisions.
  16. Implementation:
  17. Uploading and formatting the A+ Content on Amazon’s platform.
  18. Testing for responsiveness and ensuring optimal display across devices.

Project Deliverables:

  • Seven Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) modules:
  • High-resolution images, infographics, and diagrams.
  • Project documentation and usage guidelines.

Tools and Technologies Used:

  • Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop
  • Content Management: Amazon A+ Content Manager


The project was successfully completed within the timeline. The A+ Content significantly enhanced the visual appeal and informational depth of PureHydro’s Amazon listings. The client reported an increase in customer engagement and a noticeable boost in conversion rates.


Let's make it a reality together

Todor Todorov


Hydrogen Water Bottle A+ Content