Aquaphor | Nakii Amazon Listing Images




July 2024


Project Description

Create a set of 7 high-quality, engaging images for the Nakii Brand Aquaphor Filter to be used on Amazon product listings. These images should effectively communicate the product’s features, benefits, and usage scenarios, appealing to potential buyers and enhancing their shopping experience.

Target Audience:

  • Health-conscious individuals and families
  • Consumers interested in clean, safe, and great-tasting water
  • Environmentally conscious customers looking for sustainable alternatives to bottled water
  • Users of water filtration products seeking high-quality, reliable solutions

Image Breakdown:

  1. Main Image: Clean Product Shot
  • Description: A high-resolution image of the Nakii Aquaphor filter on a white background, following Amazon’s main image guidelines.
  • Objective: Clearly showcase the product with no distractions, highlighting its sleek design.
  • Elements to Highlight: The overall shape, size, and color of the filter, along with any prominent branding.
  1. Lifestyle Image: Product in Use
  • Description: The filter in use within a typical kitchen environment, possibly with a person filling a glass or water bottle.
  • Objective: Help customers envision how the product integrates into their daily life and home environment.
  • Elements to Highlight: The ease of use, modern kitchen setting, and the convenience of having fresh, filtered water available.
  1. Feature Callouts: Key Benefits and Technology
  • Description: Close-up images with text overlays or icons highlighting the filter’s key features and technologies.
  • Objective: Emphasize what makes the Nakii Aquaphor filter stand out from competitors.
  • Elements to Highlight: Advanced filtration technology, lifespan of the filter, water purification capabilities, and eco-friendly design.
  1. Before and After: Water Purity Comparison
  • Description: A comparative image showing the difference between unfiltered and filtered water using the Nakii Aquaphor filter.
  • Objective: Visually demonstrate the effectiveness of the filter in removing impurities.
  • Elements to Highlight: Clarity of the water, removal of contaminants, and improved taste and odor.
  1. Dimension Image: Size and Fit
  • Description: A diagram or image showing the dimensions of the filter, possibly placed next to a standard item (like a pitcher or water jug) for scale.
  • Objective: Provide customers with a clear understanding of the filter’s size and how it fits in typical containers.
  • Elements to Highlight: Exact dimensions, compatibility with various containers, and compact design.
  1. Sustainability and Cost-Effectiveness
  • Description: A visual representation of the environmental and economic benefits of using the Nakii Aquaphor filter over bottled water.
  • Objective: Appeal to eco-conscious customers by showcasing the filter’s role in reducing plastic waste and saving money.
  • Elements to Highlight: Number of plastic bottles saved, cost savings over time, and long filter lifespan.
  1. Customer Reviews and Awards
  • Description: A collage of positive customer reviews, testimonials, and any awards or certifications the product has received.
  • Objective: Build trust and credibility by highlighting customer satisfaction and product reliability.
  • Elements to Highlight: Star ratings, snippets of glowing reviews, certifications (e.g., NSF), and any industry awards.

Design and Photography Notes:

  • Consistency: Ensure a consistent visual style across all images, including lighting, color schemes, and typography, to maintain a cohesive brand image.
  • Branding: Subtly include Nakii branding in the images to enhance brand recognition without detracting from the product focus.
  • Amazon Compliance: Adhere strictly to Amazon’s image guidelines, including requirements for image dimensions, file size, and format.
  • High Resolution: Deliver images in high resolution to ensure clarity and detail, especially when customers zoom in on product images.


  • 7 professionally crafted images in JPEG format, optimized for Amazon.
  • Editable source files (e.g., PSD or AI) for future modifications.
  • Brief captions or descriptions for each image to assist with the listing creation.

These images will effectively communicate the Nakii Aquaphor filter’s key selling points, increase product appeal, and ultimately drive higher engagement and sales on Amazon.


Let's make it a reality together

Todor Todorov


Aquaphor | Nakii Amazon Listing Images