Spartan Convertible Ab Roller Training Pack


Spartan Athletic Fitness


Jun 2021




Design a visually appealing, functional, and informative packaging for the Spartan Convertible Ab Roller Training Pack. The packaging should reflect the brand’s strength and quality, attract customers, and provide all necessary information about the product in a clear and engaging manner.

Target Audience:

  • Fitness enthusiasts and athletes
  • Individuals looking to improve their core strength and overall fitness
  • Consumers seeking versatile and high-quality workout equipment

Design Requirements:

  1. Brand Identity:
  2. Logo and Branding: Prominently feature the Spartan brand logo and colors. Use strong, bold fonts and elements that convey power and reliability.
  3. Color Scheme: Utilize a color palette that reflects the brand’s identity, such as black, red, and metallic tones, symbolizing strength and endurance.
  4. Visual Appeal:
  5. Hero Image: Include a high-resolution, impactful image of the ab roller prominently on the front of the package. The image should show the product in action, highlighting its main features.
  6. Background Design: Use dynamic and energetic design elements such as gradients, lines, and textures that complement the product’s purpose and appeal to fitness enthusiasts.
  7. Product Information:
  8. Key Features: Clearly list the key features of the Spartan Convertible Ab Roller on the front and sides of the package. Use icons and short bullet points for easy readability.
  9. Specifications: Include detailed specifications on the back of the package, such as dimensions, materials used, and weight capacity.
  10. Benefits: Highlight the benefits of using the ab roller, such as improved core strength, versatility in workouts, and ease of use.
  11. Instructions and Usage:
  12. Setup Instructions: Provide clear, step-by-step instructions on how to assemble and use the ab roller, accompanied by illustrations or photos.
  13. Workout Guide: Include a basic workout guide with exercises that can be performed using the ab roller to help customers get started with their fitness routine.
  14. Quality Assurance:
  15. Durability and Warranty: Emphasize the product’s durability and any warranty information to reassure customers of its quality.
  16. Safety Information: Include any necessary safety warnings and tips for safe usage.

Design Elements:

  • Front Panel:
  • Hero image of the ab roller
  • Spartan logo and tagline
  • Key features and benefits
  • Bold, attention-grabbing design elements
  • Side Panels:
  • Additional product images and angles
  • Key specifications and features
  • Brand logo and website URL
  • Back Panel:
  • Detailed product specifications
  • Setup and usage instructions with illustrations
  • Workout guide and tips
  • Warranty and safety information
  • Top and Bottom Panels:
  • Spartan logo and product name
  • Additional design elements or motivational quotes related to fitness


  • Package Design Mockups: High-resolution mockups of the packaging design in various views (front, side, back, top, and bottom).
  • Source Files: Editable source files (e.g., AI or PSD) for future adjustments or iterations.
  • Print-Ready Files: Finalized, print-ready files in PDF format with appropriate bleed and margin settings.

By delivering a well-designed and informative packaging for the Spartan Convertible Ab Roller Training Pack, we aim to enhance the product’s shelf appeal, communicate its key features effectively, and align with the Spartan brand’s commitment to quality and performance.


Let's make it a reality together

Todor Todorov


Spartan Convertible Ab Roller Training Pack